Our Leaders

UBAC is organized exclusively for charitable, cultural, social, and educational purposes, in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or any corresponding future provisions).

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Meet our

Advisory Board

Pravakar Samanta
(Chair of Advisory Board)

Email: samanta_pravakar@yahoo.com
Phone: +1 919 946 6539

Keya Das

Email: keya_das@hotmail.com
Phone: +1 860 918 1392

Pradip Pramanik

Email: pkpramanik@gmail.com
Phone: +1 919 360 7552

Meet our

UBAC Executive Committee

Somnath Mukhopadhyay

Email: sombarna@gmail.com
Ph: +1 919 824 1894

Prabir Majumdar

Email: majumdarp1@gmail.com
Ph: +1 510 926 8815

Koel Ghosh
(Director of Communication)

Email: koelghosh80@gmail.com
Ph: +1 917 664 7992

Sankha Dey
(Director of Finance)

Email: dey.sankha@gmail.com
Ph: +1 818 491 6898

Nandita Chatterjee
(Director of Heritage & Cultural Events)

Email: nanditacus@hotmail.com
Ph: +1 586 991 0907

Subhrodip Roy Chowdhury
(Director of Charity, Youth, and Sports)

Email: subhrodip@gmail.com
Ph: +1 636 293 2011

Debdip Basak
(Operational Leads)

Email: debdip.basak@gmail.com
Ph: +1 201 208 5898

Debalina Sinha
(Operational Leads)

Email: debalina09.sinha@gmail.com
Ph: +1 984 208 6391

Pankaj Choudhury
(Operational Leads)

Email: pankaj.kchoudhury@gmail.co m
Ph:+1 774 2538 821

Sarbani Ghosh
(Operational Leads)

Email: sarbanisek@gmail.com
Ph: +91 9432102262

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